Thursday, July 25, 2019

Saturday 13/07/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

My Saturday.

Post Wifey run. Stopped by at Jing Chew for breakfast. Batah ku nda makan. Actually just wanted to eat the kuey teow but today the place was super packed and it really took some waiting for my food to arrive. Taus tah ku order roti kawin sambil nunggu ya dtg atu. Atu pun sajuk udah rutiku bilanya udah sampai luan ramai org atu hence food pun batah sampai.

Doing some foodie run that afternoon. Yatah i got on thinking yang i should do this as a part time job. Becoming a food runner. 

Belalang ooo belalang basar banar jua kau.

Kes malas kan mana mana since its only an hour away before ku ngambil my Wife. Might as well aku lepak di opis saja. Save me some petrol and $$$$.

Stopped by at TK Restaurant Menglait. Kelaparan since my latest meal was at 9 in the morning. So alang2 sudah di luar singgah tah ke mari for dinner. Yes dinner at 5.13 pm but when i mentioned about this people goes pfffttt. And yes i didn't eat lagi later that night. Unless kalau di KB then that will be a different matter altogether.

Licin! Thank dear Wifey for belanja-ing me.


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