Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday 06/07/2019

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Its the weekend yo and it is the start of my short leave.

When you're lazy to workout but you are very hard so you have to drag your fat arse pasalnya kau sangal org nagur sal body weight mu hehehe. Hence mua catu keh keh keh.

Brunchku selepas gym. Kes malas kan mikir apakan di makan lagi. Plus i need to buy breakfast for my in-law jua. So K.K Koya lah ku saja membali nasi lemak untuk durang and makan mee mamak for me. Not going out for lunch today. And my Wife pun ada berpasan ya malas kan kluar so nda payah ambil ya. Great! dapat ku mandi then Zzzzzz.

Skipped lunch pasal aku udah had brunch. Rested for the rest of the day then once ambil my Wife balik keraja. Taus tah ku bawa kedia for a proper late lunch / early dinner. We opted for Waroeng Penyet di Freshco. Sampat jua menyimbat Auntie Anne's. Kira tais liyo meliat sosej bun nya.

Stopped by TM Majeed then guess who aku kejumpaan. Well its not a who. Its an it. Its Jassie my old car. Lebar yo senyum ku taus. Sampat ku ngambar. She still looks good. Nampak plang kurang TLC but still looks fine. Sighhh i miss you gal!

Its the weekend and its time to drive back home to KB hehehe.

I told them that kami udah dinner awal. Jantah masak banyak. Kali bila sampai umah haiya! My faves kana masakkan. Buyuk! Grateful but haiya!!!!!


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