Sunday, October 18, 2009

Its a disappointment!

As been said yesterday three houses been visited for open house thingy.. But i dont know what i dont really enjoy it.. Then this sunday woke up kinda late.. And before i forgot to titin im sori lai nda join ke kb lalah bro.. Berjalan today pun ingau hati sal lupa hp.. Banar tah pelupa wah.. Hopefully nada yg kol or msg.. Mun nda kana ucap jua ambung or ignoring.. Nothing much being done on sunday.. Like i said berjalan pun nda nyaman ati.. udah hp tinggal and kan balik semula ke rumah pun malas tah jua mun udah sampai ditampat yang dituju kan bebalik semula tantutah balik tarus tu..
Went to Hamberly Hill U knw that thingy with such a big hype di Kfm.. Really thought it is a different store or a shop floor but actually its just one small shop owh its such a disappointment.. Banar tah.. A Special mention to Jirul N Bro Khoo Both flying off today.. sorang ke antartika sorg ke bulan.. maka dgn ini kuranglah kaki kaki berlusir ku and jua terpaksatah ku meneruskan usaha kami kan menguruskan c bob sorg sorg.. apanya c jirul ko tah ngasuh c bob lagi tu hehehehe..
True To The Bone!

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